
I really should be blogging about my pregnancy. Instead, I just have a bunch of tweets, instagram posts, and facebook posts here and there mentioning how I’m feeling each day. Currently, I’m 18 weeks and 6 days pregnant. That means I’m 19 weeks tomorrow… and 20 weeks next Wednesday…. THAT’S HALFWAY!

Holy moly.

My bump is definitely showing. I’m wearing mostly maternity clothes at this point. I’ve fallen in love with Pink Blush Maternity … especially if they have a sale! They have so many cute items and many of them I can wear even after the baby comes.

Oh… the baby! I forgot to mention…. We’re having a BOY! A little boy we are going to name Wyatt Gale. We are already calling him by his name. It’s crazy how naming the baby after finding out the gender really helps you to create an identity for him in your own mind.

My first trimester was fairly miserable, though I guess it could have been worse. I lost 7 lbs at first due to a complete lack of appetite. I was exhausted. I couldn’t brush my teeth without gagging and even throwing up sometimes. I was pretty useless. Hats off to those ladies who are pregnant AND raising other kids.

Now that I’m into the 2nd trimester, I’m pretty bummed my appetite hasn’t come back. I’m usually good to eat most food before 4pm, but once 4pm hits, I’m pretty much toast. Can’t eat. Nothing sounds good. I drink a lot of chocolate milk and eat a lot of tomatoes.

At my 12 week exam, the doctor mentioned that I appear to have complete placenta previa. He put my on pelvic rest until my next ultrasound – which is this Friday for the big ol’ anatomy scan. Fingers crossed that my placenta has moved up!


Coming Soon!

After 3.5 years of battling infertility with various tests and several failed treatment cycles… we finally beat infertility naturally! Apparently I got knocked up on our anniversary trip to Seattle!


Little one is due in November and is already dictating everything I do. Eat this, don’t eat that, sleep now, pee now!
